Invest in washbnb

Invest in washbnb, because pandemics and laundry suck.

washbnb launched a month before the pandemic shut the world down. You would think it was the worst time in history to start a hospitality startup, but we persevered.

Most people agree that laundry sucks. Hosting Airbnb guests overnight involves doing a ton of laundry. Imagine washing every bed & bath linen in your house three times per week. Solving laundry for Airbnb hosts enabled washbnb to find success at the worst time to ever start a hospitality startup. Along the way we discovered that the market for services for decentralized hospitality providers was much bigger than we initially thought.

We’ve grown a lot since those scary first few months. Building in tandem with paying customers struggling through a pandemic humbled us. The experience of helping small business owners like boutique hotels and Airbnb hosts who saw their volume instantly collapse enabled us to hone our product to their needs and is built to help them weather future storms of all sizes.

  • $43k in revenues in first 15 months from 5 customers
  • exclusive partnership with world’s most sustainable textile manufacturer
  • inbound requests from 22 states and 8 countries

However, reaching more hosts requires additional capital. Instead of relying entirely on wealthy venture or institutional investors we’re democratizing the process by opening up the investment opportunity for anyone interested in owning a stake in our growing business.

As Vincent van Gogh once noted, “Great things are done by a series of small things done together.” For as little as $100, you can join us on our quest to deliver incredible hospitality to Airbnb hosts and other accommodations providers who are besieged by laundry.

Our new equity crowdfunding campaign is hosted on Wefunder, a crowdfunding platform that makes it easy to legally invest in small businesses and is a certified public benefit corporation set on “fixing capitalism.” It’s truly exciting for us to be part of this leap forward in democratizing the startup investment market.

Learn more about the investment details on our campaign page, and if you’re interested in investing, the process is made simple on

Whether or not you chose to invest, we’re so excited for you to join us on this journey. Questions? Want to learn more? Visit the campaign page where you can post questions to our team!